To set up ASP, you must be logged in to FrontPage website on a Laptop/Computer and then click here

Step 1: Add your Telegram Channel/Group URL as shown below. Please note that your Channel/Group must be PUBLIC**.**

Step 2: Create a Telegram Bot by following these steps:

  1. Open Telegram Web app on Laptop/PC. Start a chat with BotFather.
  2. Click Start in the Botfather chat window.
  3. Type /newbot and press Enter.
  4. Name your bot and press Enter (Name must end with "bot" or "_bot").
  5. Copy the token for the HTTP API on Telegram. Token Example : 123456789:Abcdefghijk_lmnopqrstuvwxyz

and paste the token in the text box above on FrontPage Website as displayed.

Step 3: Make your bot an admin on your channel by following these steps:

  1. Go to your channel on Telegram and click on the three dots, then select Manage Channel.

  2. Click on Administrators and then tap Add Administrator.

  3. Search for your bot using the username you created in Step 2.

  4. Select your bot and grant it permission to post messages. Save -> Close -> Save

Step 4 : Go back to FrontPage Website to Enable/Disable Signature

Signature below will be appended to forwarded posts on Telegram if the switch above is ON.

"Follow my market view on"

Step 5 : Verify

Send an optional message to test the integration. If the test works, you are all set!

PRO TIP: Keep ASP always ON. This setting ensures that social forwarding for your posts (not replies) is automatically enabled. You won't need to manually toggle the social forwarding button every time you make a post.

Setup Complete? Here's how you can start auto-forwarding ~

Web/Android/iOS : Create New Post -> Select Club -> Enter Views -> Submit/Post now.


Need help? Drop us a message @frontpagesupport within the app. We will be happy to assist you!