Trade Lab is a great way to test out your investment strategies, but unfortunately, some people abuse the system. These trades add no value to your followers and can even lead to suspicion and mistrust.

To keep our community fair and honest, FrontPage Moderation team reserves the right to delete trades that exhibit unusual behaviour.

Here are some examples of what we consider abuse:

1. Unusual volumes

Trades with abnormally high quantities that don't reflect real-world scenarios.

We will now allow trades with following max quantity

We will be improving our systems further in the coming months to make this part of the trade submission. If people are found trying to circumvent the above rules, their trades may be deleted and accounts may be suspended.

2. Trades for short durations

FrontPage's Trade Lab system works on approximate time intervals. It tries to simulate the real brokerage like Zerodha as similar investment in infrastructure as brokerages is beyond possibility.

Some people though exploit the system by entering and exiting the trades in a short duration. People who deliberately do this have been warned several times and going forward we will start to disable accounts if people deliberately try to game the system.

Short duration trades are also difficult for the followers or other members to follow.

Other cases

Several people indulge in buying deep out of money options and add large volume orders. On these kind of options such volumes are not available in real life trading. This is not permissible and the trades will be deleted.

When a stock hits a circuit the trading stops in that scrip. Some people try to game system by trading such stocks. This is not permissible and the trades will be deleted. This abuse of trade performance is experimental at this stage, and we will review the conditions and update here if there are any changes to this.

If you find any trade that abuses the above scenarios, please do report such trades. This will help us to create the platform flourish with worthy good traders and investors those could be followed and emulated.