These ten commandments serve as the foundational pillars of our community and its integrity.

So, without further ado, let us dive into the depths of each one and truly understand what they mean.

<aside> 1️⃣ Respect Each Other


We love a good debate, but we don’t tolerate personal attacks or harassment. You can disagree with someone’s ideas or opinions, but you can’t insult or threaten them. You also can’t use derogatory or racist language against any group of people on FrontPage. And please keep it classy and avoid using vulgar words in your messages, profile and on clubs.

<aside> 2️⃣ Keep It Relevant


We want to keep FrontPage focused on stocks and markets, so please don’t post messages that are unrelated to these topics. You also can’t use FrontPage to discuss politics, religion, sports, entertainment, or anything else that is not relevant to our community.

<aside> 3️⃣ No Promotion Allowed


Please refrain from posting any promotional links or screenshots on Clubs. This includes paid services, coupon codes, referral links, or any other form of third party or self-promotion. However, feel free to share such information on your profile.

<aside> 4️⃣  Mind Your Own Trades


Everyone has their own strategy, risk, and rewards. Do not evaluate or criticize others' trades. Let's focus on sharing information and learning from each other.

<aside> 5️⃣ Do Not Solicit


Do not try to influence other users to like, comment, follow, or subscribe to your posts or services. This will affect your reputation score. Also, refrain from sending unsolicited messages to any users.

<aside> 6️⃣ No Manipulation


No posting of messages with the intention of positively or negatively influencing a stock, without new or substantive information. Let's keep it fair and square, without any manipulation tactics.

<aside> 7️⃣ Tag Relevant Forums


Keep it relevant and tag relevant forums. Failure to do so may result in immediate account suspension.

<aside> 8️⃣ No Shady Trading Practices


Do not post or indulge in illegitimate trades and try to game the system.

<aside> 9️⃣ No Fake Engagement


Don't cheat the system by artificially inflating engagement or manipulating votes. Let's keep things authentic and honest.