People join FrontPage Clubs to discuss stocks and pick up useful insights from each other.

We understand that building a following on the platform is important to you, but let's be real - no one likes a spammer. Posting unsolicited links, screenshots, or phone numbers in Clubs won't get you far. In fact, it can lead to account suspension or even a permanent ban. Yikes!

But don't fret. There's a better way to earn trust and respect in the community. Share your knowledge and insights in a way that adds value to the conversation. Show us what you're made of and build up your reputation as a trustworthy and knowledgeable trader. Trust us, users will voluntarily want to follow you in no time!

So, let's ditch the spam and focus on meaningful interactions that benefit everyone involved.

If you have any questions or feedback, please don't hesitate to reach out to us using the "send feedback" button in the app. We're always here to help and improve your experience on FrontPage!