<aside> 💡 Reputation is a way to measure your contribution to the platform, the value you bring to the table, and the trust you've earned from your peers.


Think of reputation as a badge of honour, a mark of distinction that sets you apart from the crowd.

When you post insightful analysis, offer thoughtful commentary, and help others learn and grow, you'll earn reputation points that reflect your dedication to the community. And as your reputation grows, so too will your influence, as other users look to you for guidance and wisdom.

But, with great power comes great responsibility. **Any behaviour that violates platform guidelines or club rules can have a negative impact on your reputation, so it's essential to stay vigilant and avoid spamming, fake likes, or any other disruptive or abusive behaviour.

By doing so, you can not only build your own reputation, but also help to create a more positive and welcoming environment for all investors and traders on FrontPage.